As we think of what Pope Francis calls the ‘massacre in Ukraine’, the part of scripture which come to my mind is the story of Joseph, Mary and the baby Jesus’ flight into Egypt (Mat. 2:13-23). The sad war in Ukraine has forced thousands of people, especially women and children, to become refugees in a number of European countries and some of them are hosted in the houses and parishes of the Circumscriptions in Europe. Our confreres in Europe have put themselves at their service with the knowledge that in offering help to refugees to survive and sort out their lives they are being faithful to our Spiritan charism. The Rule of Life insists on this kind of apostolate: “we give preference to an apostolate that takes us to those oppressed and most disadvantaged, as a group or as individuals” (SRL 12); and “we consider the following to be especially important tasks for our times: work with refugees, with immigrants and with those who are on the margins of society” (SRL 18.1).
Confronted with the words of Jesus which have become a reality: “I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you welcomed me… Whatever you did for one of the least of my brothers, you did for me” our confreres simply cannot but remain indifferent, given the utter sense of sadness and helplessness of the Ukrainian refugees.
Spiritans at the service of Ukrainian refugees
Portugal: The province offered the former Spiritan Seminary of Silva-Barcelos, which is now a Spiritan Spirituality Centre (Centro de Espiritualidade Espiritano [CESM]), as a refugee haven. Fr. Eduardo Miranda Ferreira, the Director, defines this seminary as a first port where the refugees are received before they are hosted by individual families. The seminary has 50 rooms with two beds in each. On 17 March they received the first sixty-nine Ukrainian refugees and on 20 March they received twenty-five refugees. On Friday 25 March another ninety refugees arrived, precisely on the day of the Consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The majority are women and children.
Besides house and board, the refugees also need all kinds of assistance, including spiritual assistance. We have provided 10 places at Torre d’Aguilha.
Switzerland: The province has been asked to make available their former junior seminary in St. Gingolph; they are now preparing it towards welcoming refugees from Ukraine. Small rooms for families, rooms for teaching and playing (there are many children), sleeping rooms, meeting halls and kitchen and refectory for about hundred people. In partnership with social affairs of Valais, the spiritans shall see how to welcome these young families from Ukraine.
Belgium: The Gentinnes community has welcomed 8 Ukrainian people, 3 adults and 5 children (from 3 to 12 years old).
They are provided with furnished rooms, food, and assistance with administrative procedures. Communication would be difficult without translations through smartphones. All, including the younger ones, have smartphones which are used a lot, not only for games but also for distance learning.
The community share the same dining room and the same kitchen with them.
In addition, the community has set up and opened a room “for the use of Ukrainians”, not only “theirs” but also those from the village and even from surrounding villages. At present, thirty people meet there. In an annex, there is also a small depository for clothes, shoes and toys. They have the key to this room and manage it. It is a meeting place for them, where they organise basic French courses, two or three times a week, with the help of volunteers from the village.
The local television channel Canal Zoom came to make a short film about this reception.
The community also participates in the reflection and organisation of the services offered by the local authority for all the refugees received; we expect about a hundred.
Their arrival makes a big impact on the average age of the community.
Rome – At the Generalate: the Generalate community received a request from the diocese of Rome to host some refugees from Ukraine and given the fact that we have had some refugees hosted at our Generalate in the past we gave a positive response. We are still waiting for Caritas to send us some.
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