On 5th October, Scholastics representing all Spiritan theology scholasticates gathered online in a webinar to commemorate together the life and spirit of Fr. Claude Francois Poullart des Places our founder, soon after his 315th Anniversary, 2 October. Young Spiritans Conference is indeed a manifestation of Isaiah’s prophecy: “Behold, I’m doing something new” (Is. 43:19) and our dream.
Participant scholasticates were: Spiritan Formation Community Manila, (Philippines) as hosts, Spiritan International School of Theology (SIST) Enugu (Nigeria), Spiritan House in Nairobi (Kenya), Spiritan Scholasticate Poullart des Places Huambo (Angola), Theology Community Poullart des Places Ngoya (Cameroon), Community Erasme Paris (France), Tisserant House Arouca (Trinidad and Tobago), Theologate Këur Jean Bâ Lacombe, Dakar (Senegal), Community Padre Laval, Sao Paulo (Brazil), Community St. Teresa of the Child Jesus, Porto (Portugal) and Chicago (USA).
It is now 315 years since the passing on of Fr. Poullart des Places in 1709, yet his legacy lives on and bears fruits, and has a promising abundance, thanks to the Holy Spirit who calls and sends us where He wills. The theme of the first Young Spiritans Conference was “Young, Called, and Sent: in the light of Father Poullart des Places.” This theme was further diversified into three discussion topics which were presented by Fr. Bede Ukwuije, from Nigeria, currently at the Duquesne University, Fr. William Cleary, from Ireland, who was also formerly at Duquesne University, and a young newly ordained Confrere, Fr. Anaklet Asingwire missioned in Rennes, France.
On behalf of the General Council who wholeheartedly endorsed the YSC 2024, Fr. Marc Botzung gave the Launching Address, and invited the Confreres to respond to God’s call with generosity and enthusiasm; and to allow formation to have a profound effect on them such that their attitude and actions, following the example of Fr. Poullart des Places, will always show that they belong completely and joyfully to God.
Fr. Bede shared about poverty and the need for the young Confreres to prepare to serve the poor and to be poor, like Fr. Poullart, embodying humility and kenosis. He also highlighted the need to be courageous to challenge structures that keep people poor, especially injustices.
In exploring Spiritan Spirituality, Fr. William delved deeply into the words of Fr. Poullart des Places, stressing the importance of grounding ourselves in the spiritual teachings that have contributed greatly to sustaining the Congregation and its mission for over 300 years now. This was timely as we are just beginning the two-year second phase of the Spiritan Animation Plan which focuses on Spiritan Spirituality (2024-2026).
Fr. Anaklet explored the experiences of young people today, both in the formation and in the wider Church. He emphasized the need to return to our roots and make effort to stay away from comfort zones. He also highlighted reaching to the marginalized of our time.
These topics sparked a theological and contextual conversation which enriched all participants. In addition, the three languages of the congregation, French, English and Portuguese were used for effectiveness of communication for all throughout, with the help of multilingual confreres. This conference is deemed crucial as it helps to build bonds among the scholastics all over the world as well as deepen our shared Spirituality amidst the rapidly changing world.
Shimbo Pastory, CSSp
Spiritan Formation Community, Manila, Philippines