Spiritan Education Forum – June 2019
Apprentis d’Auteuil in France and Abroad | From ignorance to awareness in fifty Years | Education and the Safeguarding of Minors in our Schools | Chaplain in Auteuil, I believe in it!
Congregation of the Holy Spirit | Rome
Congregation of the Holy Spirit | Rome
Apart from formal education carried out in our schools, Spiritans see education as vital in all our ministries.
Spiritan founder, Claude Poullart des Places, felt called by God to found a community dedicated to educating poor seminarians. Today, in our missions in Africa and elsewhere, the Spiritans continue to live out the vision of Claude Poullart des Places. Apart from formal education carried out in our schools, Spiritans see education as vital in all our ministries. Basic education is the first step out of poverty and toward the Gospel. In addition:
Throughout the 1800s, the Spiritan ministry was heavily oriented to grass roots missionary work but its interest in education continued. Francis Libermann insisted, often against stiff opposition, that “to abandon the schools is to destroy the future of mission.”
Between 1832 and 1882 a total of 31 seminaries and colleges (not to mention trade and agricultural schools) came under the direction of the Spiritans. Among the best known are Rockwell and Blackrock Colleges (Ireland), Holy Spirit (Portugal), St. Martial (Haiti), St. Mary’s (Trinidad), The French Seminary (Rome), St. Louis (Mauritius) and Duquesne University (U.S.A.). Duquesne University was founded in 1878 as Pittsburgh Catholic College to bring higher education to the children of struggling immigrant workers. It was one of the first universities to admit women and minorities. Today, Duquesne is among the top 12 Catholic universities in the United States!
The 1900s saw the founding and growth of St. Mary’s, St. Michael’s and Templeogue Colleges (Ireland), St. Mary’s (Nairobi), St. Alexandre College (Canada), Auteuil (France), Neil McNeil and Libermann High Schools (Canada), Christ the King (Nigeria), and Holy Ghost Preparatory School (U.S.A.). And the list is not exhaustive!
Education became an important instrument of evangelization in many African countries, and presently a number of African Spiritans teach in our schools and universities in Europe and North America.
P. Justi Tarimo, CSSp
Spiritan Education & Formation
Apprentis d’Auteuil in France and Abroad | From ignorance to awareness in fifty Years | Education and the Safeguarding of Minors in our Schools | Chaplain in Auteuil, I believe in it!
Methodology of Informal Education | A Theology of the Sewers | Spiritan Mission in Uganda and Special Needs Education
Re-Embracing the Education Apostolate: A Powerful Tool for Evangelisation | Following in the Footsteps of our Founder-Okura Holy Ghost College | Character education: Proposing a paradigm for analysing the quality of education in Tanzania
Espace Jarrot | Blessed Daniel Brottier project (OBDB) | The mission of education in the Spiritan Province of Cameroon | Daniel Brottier Home: a new impetus to education in Itoculo
Spiritan Education: Safeguarding Minors as a Moral Imperative | What Method of Teaching for which Type of Education? | Spiritan Pedagogy: A Handbook
Spiritan Presence and its Involvement in Education in South Sudan 2012-2016 | Education and the Spiritan Mission in the Dominican Republic | Passing on the Torch of Spiritan Education | Describing a Spiritan Pedagogy