Spiritans come from many diverse backgrounds. However, all of us are called by God and committed to serving those most in need in whatever context or culture we find ourselves.
There is one unifying theme that defines our spirit and purpose: presence. We are a family of priests, brothers and lay people, and we seek to be present to people by announcing to them the Gospel of Jesus Christ everywhere that the Holy Spirit leads us.
In all of that, we seek to promote positive changes in the world.
You become a professed member of our Congregation when, after a long time of discernment and accompaniment, you make profession to live in accordance with the Spiritan Rule of Life (SRL).
All members commit themselves to lead an apostolic life in the following of Christ with three dimensions: the practice of the evangelical counsels, fraternal and praying life in community and announcing the Good News. Some will live it as Brothers, others as Priests. One prepares for each of these states of life by acquiring the appropriate professional competence.