Spiritan Ministry with Refugees from Ukraine
Our confreres in Europe are being faithful to our Spiritan charism as they put themselves at the service of the refugees knowing that they are helping them to survive and sort out their lives.
Congregation of the Holy Spirit | Rome
Congregation of the Holy Spirit | Rome
Our confreres in Europe are being faithful to our Spiritan charism as they put themselves at the service of the refugees knowing that they are helping them to survive and sort out their lives.
Apprentis d’Auteuil in France and Abroad | From ignorance to awareness in fifty Years | Education and the Safeguarding of Minors in our Schools | Chaplain in Auteuil, I believe in it!
Spiritan Presence and its Involvement in Education in South Sudan 2012-2016 | Education and the Spiritan Mission in the Dominican Republic | Passing on the Torch of Spiritan Education | Describing a Spiritan Pedagogy
Spiritan Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation and InterReligious Dialogue Newsletter featuring:
Nigeria : Bridging the gap between Christian narrative and social Justice
Heatwaves in Australia
Ireland : Recycling
Spiritan response to a cry after typhoon Sendong in the Philippines
Inter-religious Peacebuilding – Chat with Archbishop Dieudonné Nzapalainga, CSSp