Cor Unum et Anima Una

One heart one soul

Happy Birthday 3 July 2024

Petrus Delisse Nederlands
Patrick Patten Tanzania
Jude Nnorom General Administration
John Munjuri Kenya + South Sudan
Thomas Siangu Kenya + South Sudan
Cornelius Tyav Nigeria North-East
Anthony Chuwa Tanzania
Daniel Haruna Nigeria North-West

Spiritans on the web

Visita do Papa e Jubileu de Prata da Presença Espiritana na Paróquia de Palmarola, Roma – Itália
The post Visita do Papa e Jubileu de Prata da Presença Espiritana na Paróquia de Palmarola, Roma – Itália appeared first on Spiritans Roma. pt on 2024-06-24
Visite du Pape et Jubilé d’argent de la Présence Spiritaine dans la Paroisse de Palmarola, Rome – Italie
Le quartier de Palmarola, à l’extrême ouest de Rome, a assisté avec un certain étonnement au passage d’une caravane de voitures – tout le monde l’a appris par la suite – pour conduire le p fr on 2024-06-24
Pope’s Visit and Silver Jubilee of Spiritan Presence in Palmarola Parish, Rome – Italy
The post Pope’s Visit and Silver Jubilee of Spiritan Presence in Palmarola Parish, Rome – Italy appeared first on Spiritans Roma. en on 2024-06-24
Ação Missionária – Julho 2024
Centro Social Sereboqui: Uma das campanhas em curso da Família Espiritana tem o objetivo de apoiar a construção de um centro social, ao serviço de cerca de 230 jovens, de forma a dinamizar atividades
Espiritanos Portugal on 2024-06-23
"Do not listen easily to the words of people who walk along the coast, when they tell you about the people they have. Hear what they say to you, but do not let their words have influence on your judgement. Hear everything and be peaceful within yourself, examine things in the spirit of Jesus Christ, independent of every influence and every bias whatsoever. Be filled with and, animated by the charity of God and of the pure zeal that his spirit gives us. "
Francis Libermann
Cf. Spiritual Letters, IV, 463, 1847.
"N’écoutez pas facilement le dire des gens qui parcourent la côte, quand ils vous parlent des peuplades qu’ils auront visitées. Entendez ce qu’ils vous disent, mais que leurs paroles n’aient pas d’influence sur votre jugement. Entendez tout et soyez paisibles au-dedans de vous-mêmes, examinez les choses dans l’esprit de Jésus-Christ, avec indépendance de toute impression. Je suis sûr que vous jugerez bien autrement de nos pauvres Noirs que tous ces hommes qui en parlent. "
François Libermann
Cf. Lettres Spirituelles, IV, 463, 1847.
"Não escuteis facilmente o que dizem as pessoas que percorrem a costa quando vos falam dos povos que visitaram. Ouvi o que eles dizem, mas que as suas palavras não influenciem a vossa maneira de julgar. Ouvi o que eles dizem mas mantende-vos em paz no vosso interior, examinai as coisas no espírito de Jesus Cristo, independentemente de toda a impressão. Tenho a certeza que julgareis de forma muito diferente da deles, os nossos pobres Negros. "
Francisco Libermann
Cf. Cartas Espirituais, IV, 463, 1847.


Thomas Raftery Ireland
17 Jun
Brian Gogan Ireland
16 Jun
Isaiah Agorchukwu Nigeria South-East
25 May
Michael O'looney Ireland
03 May
Cyril Anene Nigeria South-East
21 Apr
Francis Hammond Ghana + Benin
20 Apr

Anniversaries 3 July 2024

Thomas Maguire Presbyteral ordination Clonliffe
John Mahon Presbyteral ordination Dublin
Joseph Kelly Presbyteral ordination Dublin
Liam Martin Presbyteral ordination Dublin
Louis Cassidy Presbyteral ordination Dublin
Michael Casey Presbyteral ordination Dublin
Michael Mcmahon Presbyteral ordination Dublin
Myles Healy Presbyteral ordination Dublin
Philip Doyle Presbyteral ordination Dublin
Ronan Grimshaw Presbyteral ordination Dublin

Death anniversaries (last 10 years)

Wayne Epperly Death Vibra Hospital, Detroit MI
4 yr.


Cakesharing at Kaembeni's Commissioning Event
Shambah wa Shambah on 2024-07-03
Moments from the U.S. Province's 2024 Chapter
The Congregation of the Holy Spirit United States Province held its Provincial Chapter from June 17-21, 2024, at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylva...
U.S. Spiritans on 2024-07-03
Catholic Women Association in line of duty; Kaembeni Parish, Diocese of Malindi
Shambah wa Shambah on 2024-07-01
O WHISPER OF LOVE, Fr Oluwafemi Victor Orilua CSSp
This song reiterates our dependence on the Holy Spirit. It invites all to seek the direction of this third Person of the Blessed Trinity. Life is spiritual. ...
Spiritans Sound on 2024-06-30