Cor Unum et Anima Una

One heart one soul

Happy Birthday 4 July 2024

Miguel Pérez España
Remedios Pastor España
YVON Edouard France
Cletus Aloh Nigeria South-East
Matthew Kwaghtaver Nigeria North-East
Jean Amani Afrique du Nord-Ouest
Felix Jabu Tanzania
Daniel Tang Angola
Nicholas Mbakwe Nigeria South-East

Spiritans on the web

Visita do Papa e Jubileu de Prata da Presença Espiritana na Paróquia de Palmarola, Roma – Itália
The post Visita do Papa e Jubileu de Prata da Presença Espiritana na Paróquia de Palmarola, Roma – Itália appeared first on Spiritans Roma. pt on 2024-06-24
Visite du Pape et Jubilé d’argent de la Présence Spiritaine dans la Paroisse de Palmarola, Rome – Italie
Le quartier de Palmarola, à l’extrême ouest de Rome, a assisté avec un certain étonnement au passage d’une caravane de voitures – tout le monde l’a appris par la suite – pour conduire le p fr on 2024-06-24
Pope’s Visit and Silver Jubilee of Spiritan Presence in Palmarola Parish, Rome – Italy
The post Pope’s Visit and Silver Jubilee of Spiritan Presence in Palmarola Parish, Rome – Italy appeared first on Spiritans Roma. en on 2024-06-24
Ação Missionária – Julho 2024
Centro Social Sereboqui: Uma das campanhas em curso da Família Espiritana tem o objetivo de apoiar a construção de um centro social, ao serviço de cerca de 230 jovens, de forma a dinamizar atividades
Espiritanos Portugal on 2024-06-23
"During the novitiate, it is something like rowing a boat, then on becoming an apostle, one sets out to the sea and the sails have to be unfurled, because it is now a boat magnificently laden. So the apostles are still in the world but not of the world."
Francis Libermann
Cf. Notes and Documents, XIII, 709, 1851.
"Pendant le noviciat, c’est comme une barque qui va un peu à la rame, puis, en devenant apôtre, on avance en mer, et il y a à tendre la voile, parce que c’est désormais un vaisseau à magnifique chargement. Alors les apôtres sont encore dans le monde, mais ne sont pas du monde. "
François Libermann
Cf. Notes et Documents, XIII, 709, 1851.
"Durante o noviciado, é como um barco a remos, depois, tornando-se apóstolo, avança-se no mar, é preciso estender as velas, porque doravante é um navio com uma carga magnífica. Então os apóstolos estão ainda no mundo, mas não são do mundo. "
Francisco Libermann
Cf. Notas e Documentos, XIII, 709, 1851.


Yves Bleunven France
04 Jul
Thomas Raftery Ireland
17 Jun
Brian Gogan Ireland
16 Jun
Isaiah Agorchukwu Nigeria South-East
25 May
Michael O'looney Ireland
03 May
Cyril Anene Nigeria South-East
21 Apr

Anniversaries 4 July 2024

John Byrne Presbyteral ordination Rome
Gerard Griffin Presbyteral ordination Dublin
J. Curran Presbyteral ordination Dublin
John Broderick Presbyteral ordination Dublin
John Malone Presbyteral ordination Dublin
John Horan Presbyteral ordination Dublin
Noel O'meara Presbyteral ordination Dublin
Patrick Coughlan Presbyteral ordination Dublin
Patrick O'Toole Presbyteral ordination Dublin
Patrick Mcglynn Presbyteral ordination Dublin

Death anniversaries (last 10 years)

Yves Bleunven Death Langonnet
0 yr.


The Chaplain—Marafa Deanery
Shambah wa Shambah on 2024-07-06
Sweet Swahili from a Portuguese Mzungu—Marafa Deanery
Shambah wa Shambah on 2024-07-05
Cakesharing at Kaembeni's Commissioning Event
Shambah wa Shambah on 2024-07-03
Moments from the U.S. Province's 2024 Chapter
The Congregation of the Holy Spirit United States Province held its Provincial Chapter from June 17-21, 2024, at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylva...
U.S. Spiritans on 2024-07-03