Cor Unum et Anima Una

One heart one soul

Happy Birthday 30 May 2024

Aquiline Mrema Tanzania
Francis Obu-mends Ghana + Benin
Jean-Marie Bassok Cameroun
Isidore Nkwocha Nigeria South-East
Brendan Aroh Nigeria South-East
Vincent Sserunjogi Uganda
Dennis Ortese-yiye Nigeria North-East
Gerald Kimata Kenya + South Sudan
Dominic Agwuchukwu Nigeria South-West
Godwin Ezefunamba Nigeria South-East

Spiritans on the web

Estradas da memória
Manuel Rito Dias não escreve livros. Cria poemas, belos, corajosos, lúcidos, intervenientes, radicados na Bíblia. Depois, de tempos a tempos, junta-os para não se esquecerem, para que nós não percamos
Espiritanos Portugal on 2024-09-06
P. Marcelino Duarte Lopes
Faleceu esta madruada o P. Marcelino Lopes, missionário espiritano em Portugal e Angola. Que o Senhor da vida e da messe lhe dê repouso.
Espiritanos Portugal on 2024-09-03
Seigneur, Aide-nous à vivre fraternellement
Merci, Seigneur, de nous avoir créés tous différents. Aide-nous à vivre fraternellement. Apprends-nous à penser comme Toi, à vivre en Toi. Délivre-nous de la concurrence et de la jalousie, et fais de on 2024-08-27
Collaborer à l’éducation de la femme
Sœur Ângela Maria Pereira Cunha, Spiritaine Cap-Verdienne en mission à la Communauté de Pointe-Noire, au Congo, nous parle du Centre de Formation Féminine dont elle a la responsabilité.
Spiritaines on 2024-08-27
"I believe that all those who seem ready to give themselves to God in this holy work will be disposed for everything, and can only experience greater spiritual joy, in seeing rules which demands greatest perfection and will lead them into the greatest holiness and a more perfect dedication to their God. "
Francis Libermann
Cf. Notes and Documents, I, 662, 1839.
"Je crois que tous ceux qui semblent devoir se donner à Dieu dans cette sainte oeuvre sont disposés à tout et ne feront qu’entrer dans une plus grande joie spirituelle, en voyant des règles qui exigent une plus grande perfection et les entretiendront dans une plus grande sainteté et un plus parfait dévouement à leur Dieu. "
François Libermann
Cf. Notes et Documents, I, 662, 1839.
"Creio que todos aqueles que parecem dever entregar-se a Deus nesta santa obra estão dispostos a tudo e entrarão na maior alegria espiritual, ao ver as regras que exigem uma maior perfeição e que os manterão numa maior santidade e numa mais perfeita dedicação a Deus. "
Francisco Libermann
Cf. Notas e Documentos, I, 662, 1839.


Walter Mcnamara Ireland
04 Sep
Marcelino Lopes Portugal
03 Sep
Marcel Kessy Tanzania
27 Aug
Bernard Ashipu Nigeria North-East
27 Aug
Joaquim Seixas Portugal
17 Aug
Peter Danso Ghana + Benin
15 Aug

Anniversaries 30 May 2024

Donald Nesti Presbyteral ordination Ferndale
Joseph Herzstein Presbyteral ordination Ferndale
Evarist Shayo Presbyteral ordination Arusha
Peter Assenga Presbyteral ordination Arusha
Valentine Bayo Presbyteral ordination Arusha
Joseph Kiganda Presbyteral ordination Kampala

Death anniversaries (last 10 years)

Antonius Schaik Death Gennep
4 yr.


Access the link to get the details.
Spiritans Sound on 2024-09-06
Fr. Bernard HYM, CSSp, on Blessed Jacques.Désiré LAVAL - 001
This is the first video (in French) of a series of short videos about Father Laval, the Apostle of Mauritius. Father Bernard Hym, CSSp, is a specialist of Bl...
Jean-Michel Gelmetti on 2024-09-05
Shambah wa Shambah on 2024-08-31
Shambah wa Shambah on 2024-08-31