"Missionaries will avoid some unworthy defects of an apostolic man such as: arrogant manners, contemptuous, mockery, indifferences, and all the manners of this kind that the men of this world are used to adopting towards the poor and despised people. But on the contrary, the more abject these people are, the more the missionaries will be moved with tenderness and compassion for them, and the more they will treat them with kindness and affection. "
Francis Libermann
Cf. Notes and Documents, X, 517, 1849.
"Les missionnaires éviteront, comme des défauts indignes d’un homme apostolique, les manières hautaines, dédaigneuses, moqueuses, indifférentes, et toutes les façons de ce genre que les hommes du monde ont coutume de prendre envers les gens pauvres et méprisés. Mais au contraire, plus ces gens seront abjects, plus les coeurs des missionnaires seront émus de tendresse et de compassion pour eux, et plus ils les traiteront avec bonté et affection. "
François Libermann
Cf. Notes et Documents, X, 517, 1849.
"Os missionários evitarão, como defeitos indígnos dum homem apostólico, atitudes altivas, arrogantes, zombateiras, indiferentes e todas as atitudes deste género que os homens do mundo têm habitualmente com as pessoas pobres e desprezadas. Pelo contrário, quanto mais as pessoas forem abjetas, mais os corações dos missionários serão ternos e compassivos com elas, e mais as tratarão com bondade e afeição. "
Francisco Libermann
Cf. Notas e Documentos, X, 517, 1849.