Web feeds

Spiritan youtube channels
739-756 of 773
Spiritans - 10 years in Taiwan
By the well on 2016-11-15
Poullart des Places Spiritan Founder
On 2nd October each year Spiritans around the world honour the memory of their founder Claude Poullart des Places (1679 - 1703).
Irish Spiritans on 2016-09-30
Laval Documentary
A short film on Blessed Jacques Laval C.S.Sp., Apostle of Mauritius
Irish Spiritans on 2016-09-05
Spiritus Sanctus EN
Spiritus Sanctus PT
A Segunda Etapa do Programma de Animação da Congregação do Espírito Santo:VIDA NO ESPÍRITO (Onde me/nos conduz o Espírito Santo hoje?).
Zulu mass
St. Paul Parish, Vrede, South-Africa. Parish Priest: Fr. Jean-Pierre Kapumet, CSSp.
P. Firmino on 2013-01-05
Beato Daniel Brottier, missionário espiritano
O Padre Daniel Brottier, missionário espiritano francês, foi beatificado pelo Papa João Paulo II em 1984. Conhecido sobretudo pelo seu trabalho ao serviço do...
P. Firmino on 2012-11-21
Recordando Bagamoyo 2012
Recordando, em imagens, o XXº Capítulo Geral Espiritano que teve lugar em Bagamoyo, Tanzânia, de 24 de junho a 22 de julho 2012. Fotos de Firmino Cachada, CSSp
P. Firmino on 2012-11-07
Final Vows of young Spiritans in Bagamoyo
Final Vows of six young Spiritans, members of UCEAF (Union of Circumscriptions of East Africa) at the Parish Church of Bagamoyo. The Eucharist was presided o...
P. Firmino on 2012-07-31
President Kikwete of Tanzania and the Spiritans
The President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Dr. Jakaya Mirisho Kikwete, was at Bagamoyo the 29th of June 2012, to inaugurate Stella Maris Hostel and t...
P. Firmino on 2012-07-28
Welcome to "Stella Maris", Bagamoyo
Welcome to "Stella Maris, Bagamoyo, Tanzania.
P. Firmino on 2012-07-24
Fr. John Fogarty elected Superior General CSSp
Fr. John Fogarty, a Spiritan from Ireland and former 1rst General Assistant of the Holy Spirit Cogregation, was elected Superior General by his confreres as...
P. Firmino on 2012-07-14
Mass in Zanzibar Cathedral
Mass in the Catholic Cathedral of Zanzibar, presided by the Bishop Augustine Shao CSSp and concelebrated by more than a hundred Spiritan priests who came fro...
P. Firmino on 2012-07-12
ZANZIBAR, School Libermann Anthem
Anthem of the Spiritan School Francis Maria Libermann, in Zanzibar. (music by: Br. Job Mwang'onda; Words by: D. Martin Deusdedit)1. God behold us with thy bl...
P. Firmino on 2012-07-08
The Martyrs of Kongolo
On January 1st 1962, at Kongolo, Congo-Kinshasa, 20 Spiritan missionaries, of whom 19 Belgian priests and one Dutch brother, were massacred by congolese gove...
P. Firmino on 2012-06-08
A 1 de janeiro de 1962, em Kongolo, no actual Congo Kinshasa, 20 missionários espiritanos, dos quais 19 padres belgas e 1 irmão holandês, foram massacrados p...
P. Firmino on 2012-05-28
Die Märtyrer von Kongolo
Am 1. Januar 1962 wurden in Kongolo, Dem. Rep. Kongo, 20 Spiritaner-Missionare, unter ihnen19 belgische Patres und ein holländischer Bruder, durch Regierungs...
P. Firmino on 2012-05-11
Hino da LIAM
A LIAM (Liga Intensificadora da Acção Missionária), movimento de leigos ao serviço da animação missionária da Igreja portuguesa, foi fundada em 13 de maio de...
P. Firmino on 2012-04-23
739-756 of 773