"It is an admirable thing to see, how the divine Providence takes care of the circumstances for the execution of his plans for the salvation of souls. We therefore do not need to worry so much for the salvation of souls. He who has predestined the graces that he wishes for them, has also determined the time and the circumstances, and will arrange everything according to the turn of events that he brings for the execution of his plans. "
Francis Libermann
Cf. Commentary of Saint John, 119, 1940.
"C’est une chose admirable à voir, comment la divine Providence ménage les circonstances pour l’exécution de ses desseins de salut pour les âmes. Nous n’avons donc pas besoin de nous inquiéter tant pour le salut des âmes. Celui qui leur a prédestiné les grâces qu’il veut leur faire, a déterminé aussi le temps et les circonstances et arrangera tout par le concours des évènements qu’il amène pour l’exécution de ses desseins. "
François Libermann
Cf. Commentaire de Saint Jean, 119, 1940.
"É admirável ver como a Providência divina conduz as circunstâncias para a realização dos seus desígnios de salvação das almas. Assim não precisamos de nos preocupar tanto com a salvação das almas. Aquele que decidiu das graças a conceder, determinou também o tempo e as circunstâncias, e através dos acontecimentos arranjará tudo para a execução dos seus desígnios. "
Francisco Libermann
Cf. Comentário de São João, 119, 1940.