"Do not be surprise if men judge you, condemn you and annoy you incessantly, by venting their bad temper on you, they will be more peaceful with others. Look at yourself as a rag in the house, a rag with which everyone wipes his hands. When you have been well fed with gall and bitterness, go and stand before Jesus, allow yourself to fall on his Heart and pour out your soul into this Heart. Do not be afraid. "
Francis Libermann
Cf. Notes and Documents, IV, 269, 1843.
"Ne vous étonnez pas si les hommes vous jugent et vous contrarient sans cesse. Déchargeant sur vous cette mauvaise humeur, ils seront plus paisibles avec d’autres. Regardez-vous comme un chiffon dans la maison, chiffon auquel tout le monde s’essuie les mains. Allez vous présenter devant Jésus, et versez votre âme dans son Coeur. Ne craignez pas. "
François Libermann
Cf. Notes et Documents, IV, 269, 1843.
"Não se admirem se os homens vos julgam, vos condanam e vos contrariam sem cessar. Descarregando sobre vós este mau humor, eles serão mais calmos com os outros. Considerai-vos como um farrapo em casa, farrapo no qual todos limpam as mãos. Ide apresentar-vos diante de Jesus, encostai-vos ao seu Coração e despejai a vossa alma neste Coração. Não temais. "
Francisco Libermann
Cf. Notas e Documentos, IV, 269, 1843.